Saturday, August 14, 2010

4 Simple Goals

So I have decided to take Elsie's Challenge for 4 Simple Goals
So here it goes.....
1) First I want to get my life organized...OK maybe this is just too big to handle before 2011 so I will start with my room.  Very 16 I know but I never seem to take the time to look after me and my things.  So I will start by getting my room under control. 
     So the reward will be a better living space and more room for crafts!!!  The reward in this case really is a job well done.

2) Watch more classic movies!!  I have a whole DVD stand with so many movies that I have not taken the time to watch.  Which is a shame so since I spent so much money on them I should watch them. 
     Reward the satisfaction of knowing that it was money well spent but also an indulgence of vintage decadence.

3) Drink more water!!!  Since I have an iPhone there is an app for this and I am going to use it.  So this means less coffee and more natural water.  I am not one that likes to put anything in the water to make it more flavourful so I should be good.
     Reward...a new travel mug that I can drink loos tea in.  There is a great store in Red Deer about 2 hours away from us and they sell awesome tea for a good price.

4) Eat more healthy.  I really don't like vegetables but I have a great vegetarian cookbook and want to start using it.
     Reward I will hopefully have a better outlook on veggies.  Maybe we will learn to live in Harmony TeHeTeHe

Well that is all for now I am going to start getting ideas together for my Pay It Forward project from The Balancing Kiwi and hopefully have something together soon.

Vintage Kisses

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